Easy Html Tutorials




Due to my lack of time for being online I can't answer questions anymore, but please use these tutorials to help you create a beautiful blog!

The results are in! Look here to see the survey responses.


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Easy Html Tutorials
  Anonymous asked:
  how to put a network icon in sectioned hoer tab plzz ?

I already have a tutorial for this, please don’t ask something unless you’ve actually looked at the tutorials, it just takes more time out my my day to answer things like this! 

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  How do I center my logo/header on Narnia 1? I have tried everything I've read and it just won't work!

it should automatically be centered, maybe re-install your theme?

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  how do you get that tab like you have on your personal blog in the top right corner?
Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  How do I get a pixel in my internet tab? Like the blue bow you have:)
Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  I was editing my theme i was making and I had put my links and title at the top of my blog so i moved my posts down so they werent covered before scrolling however when i do this it increses the gaps between the posts is there a way to move the posts down without incresing the gap i am editing the margin top in #post

it depends on the theme, so I can’t help unless I actually can see the coding. This is why you shouldn’t ask anything on anon because it’s almost always impossible to help!

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  How do you get the free photoshop?

It’s illegal to download for free but GIMP is a good free alternative

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  how can i make rainbow tinker bell sparkles follow my cursor? i tried to put the code but i guess that's the wrong one

Go here and follow the instructions

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  I need help with putting a music player on my blog. I have the same one as the one on your main blog but I don't know how to put music on it.

I’m going to make a tutorial as soon as I finish answering asks

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  filled out the survey! can you please tell us how did you get the music player on your main blog? step by step please? it would mean a lot xo

Thank you! and I would have to make a tutorial, I’ll do that tonight! 

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  Could you make a tutorial for a cute fask layout like the one rosiealoha or flowishta have? I can't find a tutorial anywhere!

Just put it together, put this code in your popup ask and fill in all the info in the appropriate spaces

Monday, February 3, 2014
  Anonymous asked:


sorry I haven’t answered many questions today, I’m working on something very exciting :)

Friday, January 31, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  im installing the bubble curser but i want to change the colour of the background. what do i type in before the hashtag if i want a light turquoise colour?
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  Hi! I have the same theme as you, for rewarn. Only one popup is working, and i've tried everythingg why do you think the other isn't? :(

Change the order of the popup codes under </body>

if that doens’t work, be sure that the numbers you’re using for the popups (ex: rel=”02”) match up 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  my icon for the double bubble tab isn't moving with the rest of the tab. how do i make it move?

that’s an easy fix, just put <center> and </center> around the image code

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
  Anonymous asked:
  I am doing a makeover for my blog but whenever I try to add a double bubble tab it doesn't show up.

double check all the codes are in the right places, it does work! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014