Easy Html Tutorials




Due to my lack of time for being online I can't answer questions anymore, but please use these tutorials to help you create a beautiful blog!

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Easy Html Tutorials
  writteninduhstars asked:
  hi, I saw your /post/74527883994/hi-there-do-you-by-any-chance-know-of-a-code-to-change , but it wasnt what I was looking for. I was wondering if you knew how I could change the style of my sidebar? for example, the image is displayed in a circle, and I want it to be a rectangle/square/whatever. Is there a way I can do it? thanks

in your html look for #sidebar img and change border-radius:100px; to a different number.

note: smaller number = less round, so zero would be square and 100 is round.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
  general-tao-chicken asked:
  Hi there! Do you by any chance know of a code to change a sidebar image on the refresh? (and also directions as to where to put the code too bc im not good at html stuff) thanks!

Find where your sidebar is in your theme currently, and replace the code with this code

Then replace IMAGE URL with the actual image url, you can add more lines and as many photos as you want, just make sure that you change the number, for example myimages[4] myimages[5] myimages[6]

Saturday, January 25, 2014