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Easy Html Tutorials
Flash MP3 Player

This tutorial will teach you how to make a music player like this one:

  1. Go to this site.
  2. Change the height to 25; if you want autoplay change the autoplay option to 1. 

  3. Get song URLS from mp3skull, this will not work with youtube URL’s. If you know how, you can also use dropbox to host your music. 
  4. To add multiple songs, add a | between each song url. 
  5. Go to “Colors” and customize the player’s colors. 
  6. You can also go to “buttons of the player bar” if you want to change the size of the buttons or hide the slider. 

All that you have to do now is copy the “HTML code” that the website provides and add it onto your blog! 

Monday, February 3, 2014
Music Player Hover Tab

Paste this code before </style> or after <style type=”text/ccs”>

Paste this code after <body> and replace the appropriate area with your music player code. If you don’t have a player yet, use this tutorial

  • To make the music player in a different area, change bottom: 20px; and left:20px; under  #musiccc{
  • To change the music symbol on the tab, right click on any of the following images


    and choose “copy image url” and replace the highlighted section of the code below with that url. (you can use any image for this, as long as it’s small enough)
  • Codes written by dazieh 

*Please like if using or if you found this helpful!* 

Monday, August 19, 2013
Billy Music Player
  1. Start off by going to the website, click here
  2. the website specifies: “Instructions
    Upload MP3 files somewhere (like dropbox), replace fields with public url’s.” meaning you can’t use youtube urls. 
  3. Go to dropbox, and create an account or login. then you need to upload the mp3 files to your dropbox by clicking the upload button: image
  4. Next you select the 5 song files from your computer that you want to have in your computer, you can do multiple files at once. If you want to use a song from youtube, go to this site to convert them to mp3 files.
  5. Click on the title of the song, and it’ll open into a window like this: image
  6. Copy the url and paste it into the billy music player page, then click “generate code” and paste it onto yout blog wherever you want it to go! it can go in your hover tab, or you can use this special music tab!

» How to add more songs «

Please *LIKE* this tutorial if you found it helpful!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013