Easy Html Tutorials




Due to my lack of time for being online I can't answer questions anymore, but please use these tutorials to help you create a beautiful blog!

The results are in! Look here to see the survey responses.


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Easy Html Tutorials
Online/Offline/Post Limit Status

Paste this following code after <head> (where the meta codes are, they all look very similar.

Then paste the following code in your hover tab, or wherever you want it to show up!

{block:ifOnline}☑ Online ☐Offline ☐Post Limit<br>{/block:ifOnline} {block:ifOffline}☐Online ☑ Offline ☐Post Limit<br>{/block:ifOffline} {block:ifPostlimit}☐Online  ☐Offline ☑Post Limit<br>{/block:ifpostlimit}

Save and close your customize page. To change the status, go into your main customize page and check the appropriate box!


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