Easy Html Tutorials




Due to my lack of time for being online I can't answer questions anymore, but please use these tutorials to help you create a beautiful blog!

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Easy Html Tutorials
Falling Bubbles!

Paste this code after <head> or before </head>

Note: the bubbles won’t show up on the customize page, you have to click save and then close the customize page to see the bubbles! 

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Sunday, July 21, 2013
Double Bubble Tab!

Preview: (Live Preview)


1. Start off by finding </style> and copy and paste this code directly before it. (You can also past it directly after <style type=”text/ccs”> if you cant find </style>)

2. Then find <body> in your theme, and paste this code right after it. You can also paste it right before </body>

3. Customize to your hearts desire! Everything is labeled in the html. You can change the color, add all your announcements and networks, you can change the width and height of the tabs. Almost anything is possible!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask! 

Code written by me (dazieh)

Please look here before asking questions about this tutorial!

*Like this tutorial if you found this helpful or are using this code!*

Sunday, July 21, 2013
Making Network Icons all the Same Size!

There are a lot of tutorials on this but some of them don’t work, this one actually works! Add the following code after the url of the image:

style='height: 75px; z-index: 1;'

It should end up looking something like this:


Just change the number 75 to any other number to make the image bigger or smaller! 

Please *LIKE* this tutorial if you found it helpful! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013
Glitter Borders for Bubble Tab

Paste this code under #tabs:hover{ in your bubble tab code. If you don’t have a bubble tab yet, check out this tutorial or this tutorial!


  • Change border:4px; to a bigger or smaller number to change the size of the borders. 
  • Change All of the URLS in the code (highlighted in the image below) to a different url from THIS website!

  • Make sure you change all of the URLS or it will not work!! 

Please *LIKE* this tutorial if you found it helpful! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Post border on Narnia

Add this to your image code or image hover code

border: 2px dashed #ffffff;

Change the pixels to desired width, dashed to dotted/solid/ect, and #ffffff to your HTML color code

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Bottom Corner Bubble Tab!

If you would like your bubble tab to be in the bottom RIGHT corner of your blog:

  • Paste this code before </style> or after <style type=”text/ccs”>
  • Then post this code under <body> or before </body>

If you would like your bubble tab to be in the bottom LEFT corner of your blog:

  • Paste this code before </style> or after <style type=”text/ccs”>
  • Then post this code under <body> or before </body>

Refer to this tutorial for customization options!

Please look here before asking questions about this tutorial!

Please *LIKE* this tutorial if you found it helpful! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Scrollbar in Pop-Ups!

For a customizable scrollbar in your Pop Up windows:

Paste this code before </style> or after <style type=”text/ccs”>
Then, go to your pop up in your html (should be near the bottom) and add:

<div class="scroll">

Then before the end of your pop up code add </div> It should end up looking like this: (however the number you have after div id may be different)image

To customize the scrollbar:

  • Change the colors of all the different sections.
  • Change the border to “dotted” or “dashed” and change the size of the border. 
  • Change the font-family to match your theme and change the font-size. 
  • You can also change around the sizes of the scrollbar. 

Please *LIKE* this tutorial if you found it helpful!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Post glow on hover

Add this to your post or image hover code (depends on theme. message us if you need help finding it)

-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 20px 5px #000000;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px 5px#000000;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px 5px #000000;

20 is size of glow and #000000 is your glow color. 

Monday, July 15, 2013
Combined Ask & FAQ

To get your FAQ and Ask on the same page:

  1. Click “Edit” next to the page on your customize page that you currently have your FAQ on, and click the HTML button:
  2. A new window will pop up, in that window add this code to the very bottom of the page. 
  3. Replace “YOUR URL HERE” with your url. then click “Update” at the bottom of the window to save the page. 
  4. If your ask box isn’t the right size on your blog, you can change the width and height to different numbers to make it the desired size!
  5. Save that changes and you are done! :)


Monday, July 15, 2013
Making a “Tagged” Page

Making a tagged page is very simple!

Every post you tag #mine will show up under http://YOUR URL.tumblr.com/tagged/mine

Every post that is tagged with that certain tag will automatically show up on that page! That’s all there is to it :)


Monday, July 15, 2013
How to make a “Links” page!

1. Go to your customize page. 
2. Scroll down to the “Pages” section and choose “add a page” and a window will pop up like this:
3. Choose a url, title, and check the box to show a link to the page:

4. Add your links onto this page, and click “Create Page” then “Save Page”
5. Some links you can add are tagged pages (like My Uploads), or links to external websites like instagram!
6. If you don’t know how to add a link, type out what you want the title of the link to be, select it, and click the Insert Link button 


Monday, July 15, 2013
Custom Font Tutorial: Dafont

This tutorial has a lot of steps, but it is pretty easy if you follow them correctly!

  1. Choose whatever font you would like from dafont.com
  2. Click on the font and you will see a link on the right that says “Download” like this:image
  3. Once you have downloaded the font, it will be in a zip file, like this:image
  4. Open up that file, and a new file will open up. The title of the folder will be the name of the font. Inside that folder find the file that has the extension “.ttf” after it. 
  5. Click here to upload the .ttf file to your tumblr account.
  6. Copy this code and paste it directly under <style type=”text/css”>.
  7. Replace “Name of Font” with the font name. Then replace “url of static file” with the url that was shown when you uploaded the file:image
  8. Almost done! Now you need to find the places in your theme that say font-family: Name of font; and replace it with font-family: Name of new font;
  9. Like this:

  10. There may be multiple places in your html where you need to change the font-family, so make sure you change all of them! 
  11. If you have any questions or problems with this tutorial just ask! :)


Monday, July 15, 2013
Narnia: Glitter borders on hover

I believe this code only works on Narnia. All credits go to Tutorial Baby

Paste this code under .post:hover{

-moz-border-image: url(http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/181496/pay-attention-silver-glitter.gif) 4 repeat;
-webkit-border-image: url(http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/181496/pay-attention-silver-glitter.gif) 4 repeat;
-o-border-image: url(http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/181496/pay-attention-silver-glitter.gif) 4 repeat;
border-image: url(http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/181496/pay-attention-silver-glitter.gif) 4 repeat;

All credits go to Tutorial Baby

* like if you found this useful *

Monday, July 15, 2013
Zoom posts on hover: Narnia

Not sure if this works on other themes. Credit goes to tutorial-baby

Add this to your post hover before the last } on Narnia, it is .post:hover

-webkit-transform: scale(1.3);
 -moz-transform: scale(1.3); 
-o-transform: scale(1.3) ;
 -ms-transform: scale(1.3); 
transform: scale(1.3) ; 
-webkit-transition: 1s ease-in-out; 
-moz-transition: 1s ease-in-out; 
-o-transition: 1s ease-in-out; 
z-index: 9999999999999999999;

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Popup ask/fask

Live Preview!

1. Copy this code and paste it before </head> or after <head> in your theme code (use Control F to find it).

The url highlighted below is for the close button. You can change what it looks like by replacing the highlighted URL with another image URL. If you want the url of one of these close buttons, right click on the button you want and click ‘copy image url’ and paste it into the code. 



2. Paste this code before </style> or if you can’t find that, put it after <style> or <style type=”text/css”>

The codes highlighted below are the colours of the pop up box background and the border, you can change them if you like using this website or the more tab on our blog.

3. Find your ask link. It can be tricky to find for some people, but you have to replace it with this code.
It might look like <a href=”/ask”>ask</a> or <a href=”/ask”>message</a> or <a href=”{text:Link one url}”>{text:Link one}</a>
Message me for help with step 3 of adding a pop up ask box if you can’t find it.
You can change ‘MESSAGE’ to whatever you want the title of the link to be.

4. Paste this code after </body> in your theme code.
If you want to add an faq to your pop up ask box, find <center> and put your faq directly after it. Then, add <p> directly after your faq.


Credit: megscoding
Please ‘like’ this tutorial if it was helpful! x

Sunday, July 14, 2013