Easy Html Tutorials




Due to my lack of time for being online I can't answer questions anymore, but please use these tutorials to help you create a beautiful blog!

The results are in! Look here to see the survey responses.


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Easy Html Tutorials
GLITTER GIFS: for post or hover tab borders!

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Sunday, July 14, 2013
Scrollbar in Pop Ups

For a default scrollbar (meaning you can’t change how the scrollbar looks in your pop up box) 


width: 300px; 
height: 400px; 

under .popup_block{

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Links Hover Effects

Rainbow links on hover:

  • Paste this code directly before </head>
  • (use Ctrl+F to find </head> in your html)

Spaced letters on hover:

  • Paste this code directly after <head> 
  • (use Ctrl+F to find <head> in your html)
  • If you would like the word to be more spaced out when you hover, change 1px (the section boxed in the image below) to a higher number like 2px or 3px

Text Shadow on hover:

  • Paste this code directly directly after <head> 
  • (use Ctrl+F to find <head> in your html)
  • To change the color of the shadow, change #000000 to a different color code from here.


Sunday, July 14, 2013
Slide From Left Updates/Networks Tab


Here is how the tab will look on your blog:


Here is how to install the hover tab on your blog:

  1. First, find </style> in your theme. An easy way to do this is by pressing Ctrl+F and typing </style>.
  2. Once you find that, paste this code directly above it. If you cant find <style>, just paste it after <style> or <style type=”text/css”>.
  3. Next, you need to find <body> or </body>
  4. Once you have found that, paste this code either after <body> or before </body>

Now to customize your hover tab!

  1. Replace “SLIDE TITLE” with what you would like your tab to say. (ex: HOVER) You can also use some cute text symbols from here!
  2. Then replace “SLIDE TEXT GOES IN HERE (NETWORKS/UPDATES/WHATEVER YOU WANT)” with what you would want to say in your tab! Use the tag <br> to create a new line within the text! 


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(Source: easy-html-tutorials)

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Bubble tab with dotted borders


Paste this code under

<style type="text/css">

or before

  1. If you do not want dotted borders, find “border:dotted;” and change it to solid, or, if you don’t want a border, remove the line of the code. 
  2. To change your box color, find the code under
    .ttitle { 
    and change it to any color that you would like
  3. To change height of box that the icon is in, find
    and change the width/height
  4. To change height of hover box, find
    and change height/width

Now paste this code under <body>

  1. To make the icon a different one, remove the plus and use 
    <img src="URL">
    (retype quotation marks) 
  2. To make the dividers another color find background and change the HTML color. 
  3. Marquee is already installed for networks

Please look here before asking questions about this tutorial!

Credit goes to html-tutorials

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Multiple shadows on link hover

add this code under <head> 

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Advanced Customization For the Slide from left Updates/Networks Tab!

To add a border around the inner part:

  • Go to the section of your code: #oneout_inner
  • At the bottom of that section of html, add this code. (before the } mark)
  • Change the word “dashed” to “solid” or “dotted” to change the style of the border.
  • Change the 1px to any number of px to increase the thickness of the border.
  • Change “#000000” to any color code from here to change the color of the border. 

To change font of the Title of the Hover tab (ex: HOVER) 

  • Find .onetitle in your html. 
  • Find where it says: font-family:arial;
  • Replace the name of the font “arial” with either the font on your blog or a custom font. 

To change the font inside the hover tab: 

  • Find #oneout_inner
  • Add font-family: and the name of the font you want to that section of coding. 


Saturday, July 13, 2013
Slide From Left Updates/Networks Tab

Here is how the tab will look on your blog:


For a live preview, go to my (Megan) main blog here and look on the left!

Here is how to install the hover tab on your blog:

  1. First, find </style> in your theme. An easy way to do this is by pressing Ctrl+F and typing </style>.
  2. Once you find that, paste this code directly above it. If you cant find <style>, just paste it after <style> or <style type=”text/css”>.
  3. Next, you need to find <body> or </body>
  4. Once you have found that, paste this code either after <body> or before </body>

Now to customize your hover tab!

  1. Replace “SLIDE TITLE” with what you would like your tab to say. (ex: HOVER) You can also use some cute text symbols from here!
  2. Then replace “SLIDE TEXT GOES IN HERE (NETWORKS/UPDATES/WHATEVER YOU WANT)” with what you would want to say in your tab! Use the tag <br> to create a new line within the text! 


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Friday, July 12, 2013
Popular Theme Blogs

Page layouts:

  • Blogroll x x 
  • Network x

This list will be updated from time to time!

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Friday, July 12, 2013